Superintendent Weekly Press Release September 4, 2020

Superintendent Weekly Press Release September 4, 2020

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,



For the Week of September 7th, we fall back down to Yellow on the COVID risk dial. The overall dial moved from 2.00 to 1.88 with both Dodge and Washington counties falling and Saunders rising from a 2.00 to a 2.25. This will allow our students to go back to traveling to the specials teachers rather than teachers going into classrooms. Masks are still required in commons areas and anywhere they cannot social distance. A change this week, three rivers health has promoted masks even outside when you cannot social distance. They are now endorsing gaiters for football and masks for volleyball. If you remember in our plans, we indicated that it is always changing and as the health department makes recommendations, we will try to follow those. Students are still given multiple breaks throughout the day to remove their masks and anytime they are 6 feet apart the teachers are encouraging them to remove the masks.

COVID POSITIVE: 0-Students, 0-Parents/Family Members, 0-Staff, 0-Exposures at School

Again, this week we have had no COVID positive cases reported to us. However, we currently have 3 students whom are home awaiting results. One student from the elementary and two from the high school. Only one student from the high school had been in school during the week, so if that student’s test comes back positive, we will have our first exposure at school.  The elementary student has not been in school. We also had one staff member who had a possible exposure over the weekend. That staff member did report to school prior to knowing about the exposure. That staff member was tested, and the results came back negative. Lastly, we have had a staff member in quarantine since Monday awaiting results. This staff person fell ill over the weekend and had not reported to school. The report came back Friday as negative and she is planning on returning to work next Tuesday.

Effective September 1st, the DHM was revised to state that “educational workers” may continue to work after a close contact exposure by monitoring symptoms, wearing a mask and social distancing. Currently this is NOT Cedar Bluffs policy, as we feel that it is still better practice to quarantine staff that have been in “close contact” exposures and the health department recommends this also. This new DHM written by the governor basically states that those working in schools are essential workers and must report to keep our schools open.  Our health experts and our political leaders are not on the same page, which leaves all of us trying to navigate uncharted waters. At some point we may need to do this but since the DHM says may and not shall, we will continue to operate as we have putting safety and precaution ahead of full steam ahead.  Again, Three River Health Department has stated, if you have a mask on you are less likely to be quarantined in case of an exposure.  As I walk around the school our students are doing a great job of keeping masks on. There are still a few that we have to remind daily. Please try to be supportive of masks at home. It’s a simple precaution that will allow all of us to continue in school. All of our Seniors want to have their senior year to remember and all it takes is one careless individual who doesn’t think masks are important. I’m sure all of you have heard about Wahoo Bishop Neuman this week. Lastly, I have attached a link to Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob talks about Nebraska and how we in Nebraska are doing with the Coronavirus. Sometimes I listen to National news about COVID but it is usually irrelevant, Dr. Bob is relevant and you can catch him weekly at: