Superintendent Weekly Press Release January 15, 2021

Superintendent Weekly Press Release January 15, 2021

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,


For the Week of January 18th, the COVID risk dial remains in Orange but nudges higher moving from 3.00 to 3.14. Both Saunders and Dodge move higher from 2.86 to 3.00 and Washington remained at 3.00 from last week.

The Governors Vaccine Dashboard shows that they have vaccinated 88,528 Nebraskans or .95%, so not even 1% of Nebraska citizens. It shows that of the 88,528 Nebraskans, 74,386 are first dose and only 14,142 have received both doses. Governor Ricketts continues to express that Nebraska is in the top 10 of US States in vaccine roll out and this week has said the State will be publishing a website where Nebraskan’s can see where the vaccine will be available for qualified people. Also, if you remember last week Governor Ricketts moved all 75 and older aged Nebraskan’s ahead of “educators” and rightfully so. This week, he has modified that to anyone 65 years of age and older adding another 125,000 Nebraskan’s to the priority list ahead of those working in schools. I am also hearing that the White House is encouraging States to NOT hold back vaccines but rather trust that more vaccines are coming. Some States, including Nebraska are holding on to doses so they can ensure those that have the first shot get a second when they are supposed to.

CDC has a vaccine rollout chart per State, found here:

but it can be difficult to navigate. I have been using the Washington Post link since they rank the States found here:

Looking at the Washington Post link you can see Nebraska is at 4.6% per 100,000 which does rank us at 11th, at least at the time I am writing this article.

Again, remember each health district is handling their own distribution and for Three Rivers Health, they have put of the following link for all 65 year old and higher individuals to register once the vaccine is available. See link: https://nalhd.sjc1.qualtrics.c...

TOTAL POSITIVE: 25-Students, 41-Parent(s)/Family Members, 23-Staff

THIS WEEK POSITIVE: 0-Students, 0-Parent(s)/Family Members, 1-Staff CURRENT QUARANTINE: 16

For the week, we have had just one staff person who feel ill Tuesday and tested positive. Every student in that class should receive a “close contact” letter since this person works closely with students in that class. We also had a staff member with no symptoms getting tested from a close contact. That staff member has limited to no contact with students. As for family members and students, at the time I am writing this we have zero confirmed positive cases. However, we have 5 students and 2 parents who are ill and testing. Those testing had 5 sibling or children who are required to quarantine waiting on results. And lastly, we had one other student quarantining from a close contact; bringing our total quarantine 16.
