superintendent newsletter

Superintendent Press Release April 22, 2022

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

Nineteen more days of school before summer break!

Summer School begins May 31, make sure you sign up and take advantage of all the opportunities our school has to offer for summer. Transportation, free meals, and adventures await! Please call the school for more information.


My last Superintendent Press Release for the year will be May 6th.


 2021-22 TOTAL POSITIVE: 79-Students, 54-Parent(s)/Family Members, 11-Staff

THIS WEEK POSITIVE: 1-Students, 1-Parent(s)/Family Members, 0-Staff CURRENT QUARANTINE: 0

We had one parent and one student from the same family test positive for COVID this week. Just a reminder of our current protocol:

  • Students or staff who test positive for COVID must stay home 5 days and then when symptom free can return to school but must wear a mask for the remaining days to equal 10. (In other words if you stay home 7 days, you must wear a mask for 3 to equal ten. Or if you stay home 5 days, you must wear the mask for 5 days).
  • If there is a confirmed positive case of COVID in a student’s or staff’s household, if unvaccinated or not up to date with vaccinations the student or staff members must quarantine for 5 days and then wear a mask when they return to school for the next 5 days. They must be symptom free to return. If they are vaccinated and symptom free they do not have to quarantine but must wear a mask for the 10 consecutive days.

Our 7-day rolling average for ALL absences was 18.28 students per day absent for all illnesses that equates to 3.87% of our student population. Seeing a lot of allergy related illnesses with all this dust and wind. Take care! #WildcatPride