Superintendent Weekly Press Release April 3, 2020

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

On Wednesday April 1st, the Governor issued a Statewide Directed Health Measure and directed that schools across Nebraska shall not return to normal status for the remainder of the year. Cedar Bluffs Public School will continue to operate remote learning following our regular calendar year with our last day of learning as May 20th. Seniors will be done May 1st as regularly scheduled, if they have met all graduation requirements. Some of the things we are still working to do, whether that is at a delayed time or done in a virtual way include: Prom, Graduation and Academic and Athletic Awards Night.

Furthermore, we would like to find a way to do summer school, summer sports and Cedar Days if we are allowed. We also will need students to check in computers, as they do every year, so our IT department has time to clean, load and rebuild for the 2021 school year. In the meantime, if you are having technical problems, please contact the school by email to or the new online form under our remote learning button on the website titled "School Owned Technology Support Request" and we will try to assist.

Additionally, we are being directed to enforce tighter restrictions to limit exposure. To this end we are making the following changes starting Monday April 6, 2020:

1) The school building will be closed to all unauthorized personnel and all doors will be locked. If there is ever a reason you may need to come to the school, please call or email first and set up a time to be meet at the door. The office phones will have an attendant and will be answered from 9am-2pm following our regular school calendar through May 20th. You may also email anyone at the school to ask questions, as all school employee emails are online.

2) For our food service program, we will begin next week delivering food to all of those who have previously been picking up food at our various locations. We will delivery all 5 days of food each week on Tuesday between 10am-noon. Our people will drive to your home, place the food on your porch or step, knock on the door and leave. Please do not meet our people at the door as we are trying to limit contact. We are currently serving approximately 120 students per day. If for any reason this causes an issue for you, please call the school or email so we can continue to improve our food service system. Also know that ANY child age 1-18 may request a meal from ANY site including Fremont, North Bend or Wahoo School as well.

Also please remember that Friday April 10th is Good Friday and Monday April 13th is Easter Monday. We did not have school scheduled on those days, so our office will be closed and there will be no services those days, so our staff may be with their families. However, if you should need anything, please remember that our counselor has a link where you can submit requests and we will try to help you. Have a safe Holiday. #WildcatPride