Superintendent Press Release December 2, 2022
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
Progress continues around the new building, with the steel building component arriving this week. The compaction continued this week but according to the schedule, they should start pouring concrete for the foundation Monday. The buildings and grounds committee of the school board has asked that I get prices for a design and estimates for a link that would connect the new building to our current facilities. It was in our master plan drawing and was considered during this initial phase of construction but was removed due to budget constraints. However, with all the savings we have seen through the process of using a construction manager the board wants to see if it might be something we can still afford to add so kids won’t have to walk outside to get to the new cafeteria. On the master plan the link used the south outside wall of the vocational shop as one side of a new hallway that would extend from the new building to the hallway behind our current locker rooms. The current thought is to get part of this done, if we can afford it, and link the new building to the hallway that currently connects the elementary with the vocational building.
With the construction of the new building, it has presented a challenge of finding space for our outdoor practices including football and track. As you noticed this fall when construction began, our high school football team moved their practices to the space north of the concession stand down at the game field. While our youth football teams practiced in the space to the west of the basketball courts and south of our game field at the village park. This may need to continue in the near future, but our hope is once the new building is done, that we can utilize the space to the west of the new building for football and move our track and field facility to a new area. For this year, track will need to do the best we can with limited space. However, I also know we have reached out to nearby schools with the idea that we may need to use their facilities while we work on adding something in Cedar Bluffs.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
#Wildcat Pride!